
"Absolutely brilliant physiotherapists. Friendly, welcoming, professional and extremely knowledgable. The engagement and connection that has been made between the physio and my daughter is so lovely and all therapist go above and beyond"


"Blu has been seeing Neil now for 10 years and is an amazing physiotherapist as is his team. The clinic has everything you would need from gym equipment, Nintendo switch which Blu loves, electronic stimulation and so much more! The clinic has a lovely feel about it and you will feel very welcomed and listened to"


"Ollie loves his sessions with Neil. Always friendly, informative and understanding of his needs. Ollie comes away from his time with Neil full of smiles. Everyone can see such a difference and improvement in his abilities"


"My daughter, who has cerebral palsy, has been receiving physiotherapy from Neil Webster for 6 years. The difference he has made in her life is phenomenal.

When we first met Neil, she had reasonably good sitting balance, but could not stand unsupported and could walk only very short distances with adult support or using a walking frame.

She can now walk independently around the house and for short distances at school, her sitting position is good and her spine is straight.

Neil has always explained everything clearly to me, and has introduced us to electrical neuromuscular stimulators and splints which are simply not available on the NHS which have made a real difference. But most of all he has given my daughter a massive boost to her self-esteem. She really looks forward to his visits and I have absolute confidence in him"


"We have entrusted our daughter's physiotherapy needs exclusively to Mini Wonders for a number of years now. We can confidently say that they are exceptional in their field. Their expertise is matched only by their compassionate and caring approach, which has been invaluable in our daughter's journey (the way she can now scoot around the therapy room while in her standing sling has to be seen to be believed!). Beyond their professional skills, their sense of humour brings warmth and positivity to every session, making the process not only effective but also enjoyable. We wholeheartedly recommend Mini Wonders to anyone seeking top-notch care and support."


 “Neil and his team have been amazing with my daughter as she laughs all the way through her sessions as they make it fun for her so she never feels like she’s working. She’s making progress and they are also great with me as her mum, explaining everything and engaging with me too. Neil has known her since she was 2 years old and his experience shows, and George is definitely a favourite.”


Mini Wonders have engaged our daughter in exercise to improve her mobility and strengthen her body. With their professional and individual approach we highly recommend them.

Thank you Mini Wonders


“My son has won sporting awards, can swim, attends goalie training, has climbed challenging hills with support, can come on active family holidays, can attend mainstream school, has taken PE as a subject at school, has gained the confidence to walk independently without his walking frame and has the confidence in his ability to do anything he wants. I believe a lot of that is because of the support and encouragement he’s had from Neil Webster.”


“I will never forget meeting Neil for the first time. An incredibly positive, and enthusiastic person, and his knowledge blew myself and my husband away. Clearly evidence based in his practice, he set to work with our son, and was able to explain so much to us about how he was presenting and showed us exercises to help. The contrast between his practice and that of the NHS therapist was huge.

 We have been seeing Neil on a regular basis since then, and have built an excellent relationship with him over that time. We feel extremely fortuitous as a family to have come across him, and the help he has given our son is very difficult to put into words - he has changed his life for the better, and therefore ours.

He is so invested in the work that he does with children. His passion and drive to help families to the very best of his ability is so clearly evident. I would recommend him 100% to any family in a similar situation to ours.”


"From our initial interactions, it became evident that Neil possessed remarkable knowledge and understanding of Kian's condition, particularly regarding his movement and sensory challenges. Neil approached each session with an unparalleled level of positivity, offering innovative ideas and strategies to help Kian progress and manage his movement disorder effectively.


Neil's interactions with Kian consistently demonstrated his exceptional patience, calm demeanour, and genuine care. Despite Kian's sometimes challenging behaviour, Neil maintained a supportive and understanding approach, fostering a trusting and productive therapeutic relationship.


Moreover, the impact of the sessions conducted by Neil on Kian's progress has been truly remarkable. Kian's ability to stand still has significantly improved, and his walking has become noticeably more controlled, reflecting the effectiveness of Neil's tailored interventions and expertise."


"Over the last 9 years Anna has significantly improved in both her strength and abilities and this is purely because she has been able to have intensive sessions with Neil.  Anna is able to use her walker and running bike in school and her mobility is maintained.  Let me put this simply; without Neil’s input Anna would have been a permanent wheelchair user and her health quite frankly would have deteriorated due to lack of mobility.


Neil has an amazing way of engaging with Anna and she loves her sessions with him and he has managed to enable Anna to do things which we were told by previous NHS professionals that she would not be able to do. Neil is extremely professional, knowledgeable and has vast experience in specialist physiotherapy.  He has also given us invaluable advice and input in between the sessions after Anna’s surgeries or castings."


“Ava has an exceptional relationship with Neil, based on mutual respect, patience, empathy and compassion. She trusts him implicitly as he’s taken the time to get to know her properly and to understand all the intricate workings of her traumatised mind. He has learnt to understand her unspoken language and I’m in constant awe of her ability to be able to express to him what she needs from a session and Neil’s talent and skill in knowing precisely what her limits are and how far he can push her. She completely trusts that Neil will never hurt her, because he never has and he’s invested in her and our entire family and has supported us during the most heartbreaking and challenging periods of our lives and I dread to think where Ava would be, had we not had his support.


Neil was the first therapist who truly appreciated the complexities of her needs and understood the need for flexibility. He works with Ava no matter what her state of health, never forcing her to attempt things she isn’t ready for and regularly throwing session plans out of the window when health dictates the path sessions needed to follow. No two weeks are ever the same in Ava’s world and Neil rolls with that, always responding with confidence, empathy and compassion. His input in all of our lives has been quite simply life changing.”
